Manchester and Trafford Care Experience Question Title * 1. Below is a list of areas we think are important when caring for you. Please put them in order, with the one you think is most important at the top. Question Title * 2. Is there anything important we've missed from the above list? The information you give us will stay confidential but will help us see how answers are different for different people in our communities. Question Title * 3. Which neighbourhood do you live in or what are the first 2/3 digits of your postcode? (e.g. M22, M40) Question Title * 4. How old are you? Question Title * 5. What is your gender? Question Title * 6. Do you have a disability or long-lasting illness? Yes No Prefer not to say Question Title * 7. If yes, please tell us what your disability/long-lasting illness is? Question Title * 8. How do you describe your religion, belief, or faith? Done