At what point would you have liked to have been introduced to Real Nappies for London?

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. All answers are anonymous and used by Real Nappies for London to understand how we can improve the scheme and presence of reusable nappies. If you have any follow up questions or comments, please contact us by email or call 0203 150 2023.
1.When did you first learn about reusable nappies?(Required.)
2.Who first told you about reusable nappies?(Required.)
3.Who taught you the most about using reusable nappies?(Required.)
4.Which resource did you use the most to learn about reusable nappies?(Required.)
5.At what stage (pregnancy or postnatally) do you think parents should be introduced to reusable nappies?(Required.)
6.Did your Health Professional (Midwife, Health Visitor, Practitioner) provide you with enough information about reusable nappies?(Required.)
7.Do you think more information about reusable nappies should be covered as part of antenatal or parenting classes?(Required.)
8.Would you have liked Real Nappies for London to have attended a particular class or event that you attended (during pregnancy or after your child’s birth) to provide more information about reusable nappies?(Required.)
9.If you have any comments/feedback/suggestions please leave them here:
Generic background (OPTIONAL)
10.Are you currently using reusable nappies?
11.What is your age?
12.What is your gender?
13.Which region of the UK do you live in?
Thank you for completing our survey. Please click 'done' to submit your survey.