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Welcome to our end of year feedback survey. Again, we are doing this online as it will enable us to ask a few more detailed questions and analyse the results in more depth. Your opinions do matter and this feedback is very helpful in shaping future strategy and developments.

Most of the questions are just the same as last year - this helps us make comparisons over time - but there are a small number of new ones or slight  alterations.

You are welcome to put your name to your views, but equally welcome to remain anonymous. There are no right or wrong answers and we welcome constructive criticism that might help us improve what we offer.

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* 1. My child is in Year

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* 3. Child's name - (optional)

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* 4. Your name (optional)

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* 5. My child enjoys school

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* 6. My child feels safe in this school

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* 7. My child has experienced bullying  - defined as an abuse of power, sustained and targeted, more than a 'fall-out' - this year

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* 8. If you reported bullying, please rate the school's response

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* 9. If you have gone to our staff with a pastoral care or wellbeing matter -  Teachers, Support staff or Pastoral/Special Needs Team - have you found the response:

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* 10. Behaviour in the school is good

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* 11. Communication from the school is good

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* 12. The focus on Wellbeing and Mental Health is a positive thing

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* 13. A new question. Are you in favour of the ongoing efforts to make the school day more active for children?

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* 14. And another new one! Do you think Parkdale Pines, the Forest School and outdoor education initiative will benefit children?

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* 15. Last new one, we promise! What, if anything, do you value on our reports to you?

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* 16. As we look at what we offer for next year, please rank the importance to you/your child of the following. 1 is the highest priority. Feel free to use N/A if you have no views on a line

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* 17. We've simplified homework this year (we hope!) Where would like like to see us go next with it, if anywhere?:

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* 18. I find the early start option (8:25) useful

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* 19. Has your child attended another primary school? If so, how does Parkdale compare?

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* 20. If you have chosen to send your child to Parkdale over another school - perhaps you live out of our catchment or have even moved to be in it - what led you to choose us?

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* 21. Would you recommend Parkdale to another parent/carer?

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* 22. Thank you for your time. We will collate the results over the Summer and report back to you when we return in the Autumn.

Remember, you can contact your child's class teacher by email if you need to raise any issues from this survey or comment on their report.

Alternatively, please feel free to leave any further comments or messages here: