Access to Sexual Health and Contraception Services The Adolescent special interest group are interested to hear what young people across Britain have to say about how they access sexual health and contraception services, and what these services can do to make it easier to get the right care needed. The information collected will help guide sexual health services across Britain. This survey will only be collecting feedback on services within England, Wales and Scotland. A few questions about you first: Question Title * 1. How old are you? Please select one of the age brackets below; Under 13 13 - 15 years 16 - 17 years 18 - 19 years 20 - 24 years Question Title * 2. Do you live in a city or town? Yes No Question Title * 3. In which area do you live? England - East England - East Midlands England - West Midlands England - London England - North East England - North West England - South East England - South West England - Yorkshire Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Question Title * 4. How did you hear about this survey? Please select all that apply; From a sexual health clinic From another health care provider From School / College / Work Online / Social media From a friend Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What best describes you? Please select one answer from the dropdown below; Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to say Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Is your gender the same as the sex you were assigned at birth? E.g. I was born a female person and continue to identify as a female person. Yes No Prefer not to say I don't know / understand Question Title * 7. How would you describe your sexuality? Please select from the drop down below; Gay Straight Bisexual Prefer not to say I'm not sure Prefer to self-describe; Question Title * 8. What is your ethnicity? Please select one option from the dropdown below; Asian - British Asian - East Asian (e.g. China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia) Asian - South (e.g. India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) Asian - South East (e.g. Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia) Asian - West (e.g. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan) Asian - Other Black - African Black - British Black - Caribbean Black - Other Southern or central American White - British White - Other Mixed ethnicity Prefer not to say Prefer to self-describe; Question Title * 9. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No Question Title * 10. If you answered yes to question 9, does this affect your ability to access sexual health services (remotely or in person)? Yes No It would be helpful to understand how your previous experiences with sexual health services have been: Question Title * 11. Have you ever had an appointment or contact with a sexual health clinic? Yes No Question Title * 12. Have you ever had a remote telephone or video call with a sexual health clinic? Yes No Next