Thank you for helping us to understand more about the lives of Young Carers and what they may need. We will be reading your answers to try to improve the help we can offer within Bexley. Your answers are completely anonymous and nobody will know what you have said.

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* 1. What does the term young carer mean to you?

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* 2. One description of what being a young carer means is: a child or young person who takes on caring responsibilities for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issue (this might include a parent or sibling). A young carer is a child or young person under the age of 18 carrying out significant caring tasks and assuming a level of responsibility for another person, which would normally be taken by an adult.
Based on the description of what a young carer is, do you recognise this as a description of any of your friends, classmates or even yourself?

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* 3. Where would you go to get help if you needed support around caring responsibilities?

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* 4. Do you talk to your friends about your life at home and your relationships with your parent(s) and/or siblings?

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* 5. What would help you/a friend in your role as a young carer?

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* 6. Why might children and young people not want to talk about being a young carer?

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* 7. Last question! How old are you?