In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic Redeye want to continue our programme providing advice, inspiration and support for photographers by hosting our events remotely. We are currently researching different methods of delivering online events and would really value your thoughts in shaping this series.

This is a very brief questionnaire and shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to complete. If you have any additional thoughts or comments please email us at


Question Title

* 1. What is your experience with the following platforms?

  Have used before and liked. Have used before and disliked. Have no experience with this platform.
Blue Jeans
Google Hangouts
Instagram live
Go-To Webinar
Adobe Connect
Microsoft Teams
Youtube live
Facebook live
Whereby (formerly

Question Title

* 2. What are your concerns regarding COVID-19, and what kind of events would you like to see us delivering remotely?

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any advice or useful information that you would like to pass on for freelancers struggling to find work?

Question Title

* 4. If you would be happy for us to follow up with you in response to any of your answers, please insert your email address: