Members Survey - We are currently working on our annual business plan.  It is really important to us that you, as members, have the chance to shape our activities during the coming year.  Please help us by completing the following short survey

1.Would you agree to the following statement? - "I am proud to be a member of Space4Autism"
2.Which services have your accessed at Space4Autism over the last 12 months - please tick all that apply from the options below
3.Which 5 services do you value the most from question 2 ? please type your
answers below
4.Which service from question 3 is your top priority and why?
5.Have you been able to access the services you have needed? please type Y/N below (if no, why not?)
6.Have Space4Autism responded to your enquries in a timely fashion? please type Y/N bwlow  (if no, please explain)
7.Do you use our website for information?
8.What do you consider is SpaceAutism's greatest strength? please tick one
option from the list below
9.How do you think we can improve at Space4Autism? 
please type your answers below.
10.On a scale of 1-10 (where 1 is terrible and 10 is fantastic), how would you rate Space4Autism overall? please type your score in below
11.Are there any new services that you would like to see us delivering at Space4Autism? pelase type your comments below
12.Please add any addtional comments below.
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered