British Ice Skating Club Checklist

BIS Club Improvement Tool

Our health check will enable you to locate areas of improvements within the clubs structure. British Ice Skating want to assist clubs in their own development, this health check will help the club and BIS understand the areas that your club may need to focus on. If you leave your email at the bottom of this survey we will contact you with relevant information and documents in development the areas you have highlighted. 

Please answer the survey honestly to gain the appropriate support, if you have any questions or need help completing this survey please contact
1.Club Name?
2.What is your name and your role?
3.What rink/s does your club operate at?
4.Please use the checklist below to select the committee officials your club has.
Currently Vacant 
Chair - Leads the committee on club strategy, vision and mission. Delegates duties across the committee, builds and leads the team and provides a link to club management, rink management and NGB
Vice Chair - Aid and cover the Club chairs position when required
Secretary - Official manager of the day-to-day business of the club and to take the minutes from all club meetings (including AGM) ensuring quorum is met on any matters that require voting.
Treasurer - Responsible for the management of the clubs finances and communicating these to the committee / membership
Competition Secretary - Responsible for the organizing and running of club events (including National and International Open events)
Safeguarding/Welfare Officer - Responsible for safeguarding and child protection at the club. First point of call to raise issues / concerns to.
General Committee Members - Attends committee meetings and supports appropriate members to deliver the clubs strategy. Undertakes duties aligned to the clubs action plan
5.Club Governance
Yes - But needs further development 
Club Constitution- A constitution outlines the clubs function and rules under which it will operate
Code Of Conduct - To define and communicate set standards of acceptable behaviour which must be upheld by all involved with the running of the club and during all club activities
Safeguarding Policy - Safeguarding in sport is the process of protecting children and young adults from harm by providing a safe space in which to play sport and be active
On-line Affiliation - BIS require completion of an on-line form identifying the Officers / Officials of the club.
6.Membership Types
Full Member - Full paying membership (including voting rights)
Junior Member - Reduced membership (Voting rights for 1 named Parent / Legal guardian / Carer)
Family Membership - Reduced membership for whole family members (1 vote per family membership)
Student Member - Reduced Membership for all Students at College / University (including voting rights)
Life Member - Free membership (after XX years service or as deemed fit by committee  - including voting rights)
Volunteer Member - Reduced Membership for Volunteer members to allow access to social events (No voting rights)
Yes - But needs further development
Notice boards - Members board used to display club communications
Advertising around the rink - Used to attract potential new members from within the arena
Club website - Website that promotes the club, activities, opportunities to join the club and used to engage with potential members
Social Media - Social media utilized to promote activities, opportunities and engage with others interested in the sport
Email / Newsletters - Email Communications enabling a regular point of contact with the clubs membership
NGB Free Web page - Linked direct from the NGB main webpage and enabling the NGB to promote the club on your behalf
8.Club Activities
Yes - But needs further development
Club Ice - Coach lead regular ice time
Lesson Ice - Coach lead group lessons / Skate UK
Miscellaneous Events - An event that sits outside of the normal competitive delivery
(Off-ice lessons, social events etc)
In-house Competition /s - An event for club members only
Open Competition /s - A National event for all BIS members
International Open Competition /s - An international event for skaters of all countries
General Club Sessions for Members - Sessions which don't have a coach or used as a social session.
Yes - But needs further development
Club Development Planning - Strategic plan of what he club wants to achieve against a set amount of time, inclusive of resources
Ice Marks - A club that is recognized as having good governance in accordance to the requirements of the NGB / Sport England
Membership Surveys - To give an insight into what the members need and require from the club
10.If you would like one of the team to contact you to assist you with the answers you given please leave your email address below.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered