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Information for applicants

To apply for an ICS Trustee position, you must be nominated and seconded by two ICS members. Please advise them to send an e-mail to the ICS office at confirming this.

In order to complete this application you will need the following ready in advance:
* A 300 word mission statement to include your aims, goals and initiatives should you be elected
* 200 words to outline the skills, abilities and experience and what qualifications, if any, you could bring to this position.
* 4 page CV
Whilst the ICS is an international organisation, English is the official language of the society. It is expected therefore that Trustees members must have a good understanding of spoken and written English, and should feel confident speaking within the Board environment.

Question Title

* 2. Name

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* 3. Email address

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* 4. Occupation

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* 5. Country of Residence

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* 6. Qualifications

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* 7. ICS Membership Number

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* 8. First Nominee (if known)

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* 9. Second Nominee (if known)

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* 10. 300 word Mission statement to include your aims, goals and initiatives should you be elected

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* 11. Outline the skills, abilities and experience and what qualifications, if any, you could bring to this position, in pursuit of the Mission you have outlined? (200 words maximum)

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* 12. Please confirm if you hold any other positions within other societies

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* 13. If yes, please list out roles and societies 

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* 14. Do you already hold the position and are standing for re-election?

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* 15. Upload your 4 page CV

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Choose File

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* 16. Check List

  Yes No
I am an ICS member
I have completed an online disclosure
I have uploaded a photo to my membership profile
I have read the below canvassing policy. See Appendix I

ICS policy on campaigning

Campaigning for ICS elected positions is not permitted by applicants or members. Any campaigning, be it positive or negative, will result in the disqualification of the candidate. The Board of Trustees’ judgement will be final in determining whether a candidate has engaged in positive or negative campaigning. Negative campaigning is not permitted by any candidate or ICS member and will be considered a violation of the ICS Code of Conduct. This policy is in effect at all times and for any position.

During the voting period candidates’ application forms will be circulated by the ICS office for all members to view. In addition, the ICS office will periodically contact all ICS members to encourage voting and provide direct links to the voting section of the ICS website. 
I hereby confirm that I have completed my disclosure form/declaration of interest via my membership record on the ICS website, that I have read and understood the ICS Memorandum, Articles, and Bylaws, and the ICS Code of Conduct and agree to abide by these.   If elected I understand what would be required of me to undertake an ICS position, and that I would accept the position. I also note that I am unable to canvass for my election to this post. In addition, I confirm that I am an upstanding member of the ICS and can confirm that I am not the subject of any disciplinary investigations, internal or external to my workplace.

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* 17. Sign and date

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