In 2013 Charity Finance Group, supported by the Charity Commission, and working with other organisations launched the Small Charities Financial Capability Survey for small charities to find out more about their financial capability needs. From the results collected in this survey, CFG, along with Small Charities Coalition produced the Making it Count report which highlighted the financial capability of small charities. In January 2017 CFG, with the help of Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, launched the Small Charities Programme to provide affordable and accessible training to trustees and staff of small charities across England and Wales.
The 2013 survey played a vital role in informing CFG’s development of the Small Charities Programme. As part of this programme, CFG is keen to establish how the financial capability of small charities has changed since our initial survey in 2013 to better understand and promote good financial management for the sector.
The survey is open to all trustees and staff responsible for any form of financial management in charities with an annual turnover of less than £1.5 million. The closing date for the survey is 25 August. It should not take more than 5 minutes to complete, and respondents may remain anonymous if they wish.
All responses are greatly appreciated, many thanks for your time.