22nd SEDA Annual Conference 2017 22nd SEDA Annual Conference 2017 Survey Question Title * 1. How useful was this conference for you? Very useful Useful Average Not particularly useful Not at all useful Identify one thing that you will take from this conference back to your work? Question Title * 2. How do you feel the quality of presentations at the conference were overall? Very high High About right Low Very low If there is specific feedback you would like to provide for any speaker, either positive or constructive and developmental, please outline it here, with the session number and title, so we can send this to them. Question Title * 3. What are your thoughts about the networking opportunities provided for you at the conference? Too many About right Too few What suggestions would you have for future conferences? Question Title * 4. How do you feel the conference relates to other educational/staff development conferences that you have attended in terms of their value to you in your work? Good value Reasonable Poor value What are the reasons for your answer? Question Title * 5. Is this your first SEDA conference? If so, how welcome did you feel? Very Sufficently Not at all What are the reasons for your answer? Question Title * 6. How would you rate the conference facilities? Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor What are the reasons for your answer? Question Title * 7. How would you rate the accommodation? Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor Not Applicable What are the reasons for your answer? Question Title * 8. What was the best thing about the conference? Question Title * 9. What changes would you recommend we make to improve future conferences? Question Title * 10. How useful did you find the electronic conference handbook? Question Title * 11. What themes do you think we should focus on for future conferences? Question Title * 12. If you went to a session which you think would make a very good article for Educational Development, please put the name of the presenter here. Question Title * 13. Please feel free to make any further comments Done