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* 1. Why are you applying to become a member of SELCAN?

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* 2. What experience or networks can you draw on to add value to or promote SELCAN?

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* 3. Which of the key themes of the Climate Change Strategy are most relevant / have the most impact on your current role or activity?

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* 4. How does your current role or activity align with the vision of the Climate Change Strategy?

The vision is as follows: The areas covered by South Holland District Council, Boston Borough Council and East Lindsey District Council achieve net zero emissions in advance of the UK Government. In doing so, action supports social, economic and environmental outcomes that help adapt and mitigate to climate change and build a more sustainable future for our local communities.

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* 5. Which of the following areas can you provide expertise in?

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* 6. If there is any more information you feel is relevant to your application please outline below.

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* 7. Would your preference be to attend SELCAN meetings virtually or in person?

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* 8. Where is your usual work base?

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* 9. Contact Details: