The Diocese of York

The National Archbishop’s Council has agreed that each Diocese should undertake a Safeguarding Audit during 2016 or 2017. We have been notified that the independent inspection of Safeguarding in the Diocese of York, by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, will take place in June.

The independent chair of the York Diocesan Strategic Safeguarding Group, Sue Proctor, has therefore asked that each benefice/ parish completes the following self-audit. This will assist both our PCCs and those who are responsible for safeguarding at a diocesan level to better understand the status of safeguarding practice, and consequently consider additional advice and resources which would help to improve safeguarding procedure and response for everybody in the Diocese.

The self-audit follows an appreciative enquiry approach, whereby we are keen to look at the facts about safeguarding practices, examine our strengths and our collective journey towards best practice.

The purpose of the self-audit is as follows:

- To help each parish to consider how to implement systems to create a safe church;
- To identify areas of good safeguarding practice and where there may be a need for further work;
- To highlight areas in which the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser can support each parish;
- To improve awareness of what training and support is available or can be developed as required; and
- To help the Diocese develop to ensure that safeguarding is embedded in all Diocese of York churches.

The audit will explore five key areas; policy, activity, people, concerns & risk management and parish perception. When using the “YES” and “NO” system, you can use your answers to help you plan the areas you would like to improve.

For support, advice and answers to any questions, please contact:
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA): Dave Finan
Email Address:
Diocesan House Direct Number: 01904 699524
Mobile Number: 07551124951
12% of survey complete.