By completing this survey, you will help the St Helena Government improve the delivery of the services that it provides.

Before you start, please answer three simple questions about your age, whether you are male/female, and the district where you live (or if you live abroad). This will help us understand how well the responses we get from this survey represent the population overall.

Question Title

Next, please indicate how satisfied you are with any services that are delivered by St Helena Government. Please only rate services that you have used in the past year. If you would like to rate a service that is not in the list, please choose "Other" and write the service in the box provided.

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied
Public Transport Service
School Bus Service
Roads Maintenance
Outpatient Clinics
Hospital Services
Laboratory Services
Environmental Health Services
Community College
Veterinary Services
Customer Care Centre
Postal Service
Income Tax
Judicial Services
Port Control
Building Control
Social Security Claims and Payments
Recreation and Sports Facilities
Waste Management Services
Other (please specify below)

Question Title

For any services that you have rated above, please indicate how they might be improved.

Question Title

Now, please tell us how satisfied you are overall with the public services delivered by St Helena Government. A response to this question is required.

Question Title

Please indicate how, overall, the public services provided by the St Helena Government can be improved. This question is optional.

Thank you for providing your feedback about the public services provided by the St Helena Government. Please click "Done" to complete the survey.