Liverpool City Region Local Transport Plan Consultation for People Living with Dementia

The Liverpool City Region (LCR) is required by law to develop a Local Transport Plan which will guide transport programmes and will be referred to when making decisions. The Combined Authority at LCR is currently designing the plan for the next 18 years, up to 2040. They would like to gather the opinions and views of people living with dementia across the six districts of Liverpool City Region - Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St. Helens, and Wirral.  

We would be grateful if you can complete the following questionnaire so that your views and opinions can aid the new Local Transport Plan that will be in place for the next 18 years. 

This will help you, your carer, and those that follow in your footsteps. 

Thank you from thred CiC ( - a not-for-profit grassroots organisation developed and run by people living with dementia and carers.
1.In which district of Liverpool do you live?
2.Are you living with dementia or are you a carer for a person living with dementia?
3.How do you typically get about? You may choose more than one answer.
4.What types of places do you visit each week? Please tick all that apply.
5.How frequently do you travel about in a particular month?
6.What are your reasons, if any, for NOT using Public Transport? Please tick all that apply.
7.Have your habits changed since COVID-19 and 'lockdown'?
8.If answered 'Yes' to Q7, what has prompted these changes? Please tick all that apply.
9.Are you now using more online delivery services, since before the COVID-19 pandemic, that reduce your need to travel?
10.Liverpool City Region (LCR) is developing a Local Transport Plan with a vision for the future. The Vision is ………. "to plan for, and deliver, a clean, safe, resilient, accessible, and inclusive London-standard transport system for the movement of people, goods and freight in a way that delivers our economic, social, and environmental ambitions, and in particular, a net zero carbon emitting city region by 2040 or sooner”. Do you know about the LCR's transport plan and do you understand the vision? Please tick all that apply.
Current Progress,
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