Innovate UK is inviting ambitious businesses, that are interested in applying to future rounds of Energy Catalyst funding, to apply for an international brokerage trip to The Philippines. Delivered in partnership with Innovate UK EDGE, the programme of support consists of a preparation phase, followed by a 5 day country visit, and post-visit support from Innovate UK EDGE.
Energy Catalyst’s mission is to accelerate the innovation needed to reach sustainable development goal 7. By providing financial and advisory support to innovators we help create strategic partnerships, uncover insights and develop business models to improve lives in Africa and Asia. In May 2021, £40 million of grant funding (across two funding competitions) was announced. This brokerage visit forms part of the collaboration building to enable businesses to develop equitable partnerships between the UK and overseas organisations.
Why the Philippines?
The Philippines population of 100 million spans across over 7000 islands in South East Asia. With 98% of residents in towns and cities able to access electricity, compared to 41% of the rural population.
There are ambitious government commitments to 35% renewable energy generation by 2030, and 50% by 2050 – and a goal to move away from coal power generation and the high cost of energy accessed this way (approximately £0.18 per kWh, pre 2022 fluctuations).
These conditions make the Philippines an exciting rapidly maturing and growing market for renewable energy solutions with strong opportunities for: Grid balancing, storage & ancillary services, Waste to Energy solutions, Solar Solutions, Hydrogen Production & infrastructure, novel innovations in sustainability & renewable energy.