Expression of Interest Question Title * 1. Please fill out the following details. Your Name Organisation Name Organisation Address City/Town Postal Code Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 2. Why are you interested in joining One Voice Network? Question Title * 3. Each year, how many Black African and/or Black Caribbean people in the UK use your services? Question Title * 4. What key topics does your organisation have expertise and interest in prioritising? Please be specific. Question Title * 5. How would you rate the capacity of your organisation to contribute these to the Network? Very low Low Moderate High Very High Leadership Leadership Very low Leadership Low Leadership Moderate Leadership High Leadership Very High Communications Communications Very low Communications Low Communications Moderate Communications High Communications Very High Advocacy Advocacy Very low Advocacy Low Advocacy Moderate Advocacy High Advocacy Very High Comments Question Title * 6. Is a member of your organisation's leadership team from the Black community? Yes No Question Title * 7. Are at least two-thirds of your organisation's service users from the Black community? Yes No Done