The data collected from this survey will be used by your locality board to inform their priorities.

Please can we ask that you spend 10 minutes completing this annual survey thinking about your role as SENCO and the staff in your setting that you co-ordinate. 

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Name of setting 

Question Title

* 3. Your settings locality

Question Title

* 4. What is your job role, please tick all that apply?

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate your knowledge of the following areas?

  Excellent  Good  Satisfactory  Poor 
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice?
The local authority's Local offer for SEND?
Your settings SEN report?
Your settings SEN policy and your role within it? 
The graduated approach?
Setting progress targets, tracking and monitoring them for all pupils? 

Question Title

* 6. How confident do you feel ...

  Very confident  Confident  somewhat confident  slightly confident  not confident at all 
using record keeping systems to make sure all staff understand the needs of pupils? 
using assessment procedures to identify difficulties early and put support in place immediately? 
working with support staff to support pupils learning? 
working with additional staff specifically to support with SEN?
identifying the right resources and using them to support pupils with SEND? 
using interventions to support pupils with SEN who are underachieving? 
monitoring and evaluating interventions you use? 
tracking interventions and staff trained to deliver specific interventions

Question Title

* 7. How effective is your settings interventions in improving progress for pupils with SEN?

Question Title

* 8. How well do you think you and your staff share information and work with parents/carers of pupils receiving SEN support?

Question Title

* 9. How well do you think your staff differentiate their teaching to meet the needs of all pupils?

Question Title

* 10. How well do you think your staff adapt the learning environment to support the needs of individual pupils? 

Question Title

* 11. How well do you think your staff support the transition of pupils with SEND?

  Very well  We need more training on this  not applicable 
Early Years Setting to Primary School 
Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 
Primary School to Secondary School 
Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 
Key Stage 4 to Post 16 
Mainstream to Specialist Settings (AP's, TMP or Special) 
Specialist Setting to Mainstream 

Question Title

* 12. Cognition and Learning, please rate the following area of needs:

  High priority Medium priority Low priority  Not a priority
Dyslexia: Difficulties in reading, writing, spelling, and language processing.
Dyscalculia: Challenges with mathematical concepts, number sense, and arithmetic.
Dyspraxia: Coordination and motor skills difficulties affecting physical movements and coordination.
Dysgraphia: Problems with handwriting, fine motor skills, and written expression.
Developmental Delay: Delays in overall development, including cognitive, language, motor, and social-emotional skills.

Question Title

* 13. Would you like additional training in any of the following areas, tick all that apply. 

Question Title

* 14. What Phonics approach are you using?

Question Title

* 15. Which of the following areas do you think settings need the most support in to effectively support pupils with social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs?

Question Title

* 16. In your opinion, which of the following interventions do you believe would be most beneficial for schools to implement in supporting pupils with SEMH? 

Question Title

* 17. What kind of training or professional development opportunities do you think schools require to better support pupils with SEMH?

Question Title

* 18. SEMH, How confident do your staff feel managing low-mid level classroom behaviour?

Question Title

* 19. SEMH, How confident do your staff feel supporting a child who has more challenging behaviour?

Question Title

* 20. How do you assess a child's SEMH needs 

Question Title

* 21. Which resources and programmes does your setting currently have in place to support children with communication and interaction needs? Tick all that apply

Question Title

* 22. Are there specific strategies or accommodations in place to facilitate communication and social interaction for these students? Tick all that apply

Question Title

* 23. What training do the staff receive to effectively support children with communication and interaction needs in the classroom? Tick all that apply 

The following questions are for settings that have KS3 students and above.

Question Title

* 24. Which of the following topics is covered in your school's curriculum to prepare students for adulthood? Tick all that apply

Question Title

* 25. How does your setting prepare students for independent living and decision-making skills? Tick all that apply 

Question Title

* 26. Does your setting offer any career-oriented programs or work experience to help students gain real-world experience? Tick all the apply 

Question Title

* 27. How does your setting support students in developing effective communication skills? Tick all that apply

Question Title

* 28. Does your setting provide guidance and resources for students to plan for their future education and career paths? Tick all that apply 

Question Title

* 29. Would your setting like further training on Preparation for Adulthood?