1. Introduction.

We know that in Birmingham, and indeed across the UK, the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sectors have been key partners in leading the local, regional and national response to the pandemic and the subsequent recovery process, working to address the existing and emerging needs of our most vulnerable citizens.

During this period, it is crucial that we have good data on what the sector looks like currently. This data will of course be immensely useful for us, but also - when we release the results - for the sector itself.

The survey will take 15-20 minutes. There may be questions where you don't know with complete certainty the exact figure we're asking for (for example, when we ask you to make predictions about the future) - but in these cases your best estimate is still enormously useful to us.

If you face any technical problems with the survey don't hesitate to contact me at AndreC@bvsc.org.

And finally, many thanks for taking part.
9% of survey complete.