Greetings ACH Partners,

As you know Equity is a central pillar of CACHI, and we are happy to reach this important milestone in the ACH development, the launch of the Equity technical assistance. The Equity Assessment is a step forward in the Equity work, and we look forward to working with you and supporting you on this journey.

You are invited to complete this survey because you have been identified by your ACH as a member of the leadership team.

The following 18 questions are about how and how well is your ACH practicing equity. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

The survey deadline has been extended. We encourage you to take the survey as soon as you receive it. The quicker you and your team take the assessment, the sooner you can start your equity work as a group.

The following questions below are about your ACH and ACH leadership team's current work on equity. These questions are not about individual organizations or persons within your ACH. If you do not know or unsure about the question as it relates to your ACH, please mark "0" or Not started/Unsure.

New terms and concepts. We realize some of the terms used in the survey may be unfamiliar to some people. To help familiarize you with new terms and concepts, we have developed a short glossary. Please review the terms before you start taking the survey and refer to the list of terms as necessary.

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Email Address

Question Title

* 1. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH leadership team's approach to address root causes of inequities:

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* 2. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH leadership team's understanding of structural barriers as the root causes of inequities:

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* 3. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH Leadership Team's equity work:

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* 4. Choose the number below that best describes how well your ACH assesses your leadership team's progress in understanding of structural barriers:

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* 5. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH’s partners, those who hold structural power (such as government agencies, elected officials, school districts, businesses, and other key anchor institutions) dismantle barriers to equity:

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* 6. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH leadership's processes that intentionally address equity:

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* 7. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH’s inclusion of community residents and/or people most harmed by inequities, in leadership roles:

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* 8. Choose the number below that best describes how your ACH Leadership team reflects the community you are serving:

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* 9. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH’s access to power and decision-making transparency:

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* 10. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH’s comfort level to have conversations about equity and structural barriers that uphold systemic oppression:

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* 11. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH’s conversations about power (For example, who do you think holds power, whose power to leverage, who does not have power, who feels comfortable in the collaborative space and who doesn’t ):

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* 12. Choose the number below that best describes how your ACH leadership team holds key conversations about equity:

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* 13. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH’s inclusive decision-making process:

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* 14. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH’s strategies to address root causes of inequities:

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* 15. Choose the number below that best describes your ACH leadership team's processes to resolve conflict and build consensus internally:

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* 16. Choose the number below that best describes the makeup of your ACH’s leadership:

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* 17. Choose the number below that best describes how your ACH’s partner organizations lift up grassroots or community voices:

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* 18. Choose the number below that best describes how your ACH ensures belonging of community residents or people most harmed by inequities in leadership roles:

Thank you for completing the survey. Please click "DONE" to submit your response.