Hello Outdoor Charter Group Member,
The Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum (PCF) has helped facilitate the work of the Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group since 2002. Yes, that’s over 20 years of collaborative working to help maintain Pembrokeshire as a leader in the partnership approach to ensuring the sustainable management of recreation.

There have been a number of challenges and changes to the sector since our last short survey in 2020, namely the impact of Covid-19, the changes in how people spend their time on holiday and the cost of living crisis. We feel it is timely to ask group members what is important to you and how we are doing at achieving the group's aim.
Please do complete this short survey, which will help us ensure that the work that PCF facilitates on behalf of the group is relevant and needed for the individual members and as a collective.
Help give us a better understanding of the sector, provide ideas of the opportunities there are, what challenges need tackling and guide us to achieve the group's aim of ‘Sustainable use of Pembrokeshire’s Landscapes for recreational and leisure activities’.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us about yourself.

Question Title

* 2. Are you completing this survey as an individual or on behalf of a business?