Tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal a' rannsachadh cruth ar Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an tachartas a' freagairt air iarrtasan òigridh le ùidh pàirt a ghabhail innte. Bhitheamaid gu mòr an comain deugairean (a ghabh pàirt innte roimhe no le ùidh pàirt a ghabhail san àm ri teachd), agus/no pàrantan nan lìonadh sibh a' chèisteachain a leanas. Tha fiosrachadh mun Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma ri fhaotainn air ar làrach-lìn a th' aig
Fèisean nan Gàidheal is reviewing the format of our Gaelic Drama Summer School to ensure it meets the needs of the young people who wish to take part. We would be much obliged if teenagers (previous or potential participants) and/or their parents, would take the time to fill in the following questionnaire.  Information about the Gaelic Drama Summer School is available on our website at

Question Title

* 1. A bheil eòlas agaibh air an Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma a bhios Fèisean nan Gàidheal a' cur air dòigh?
Are you aware of the Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma (Gaelic Drama Summer School) run by Fèisèan nan Gàidheal?

Question Title

* 2. Ciamar a fhuair sibh fiosrachadh mu dheidhinn na Sgoile Dràma?
How did you find out about the Drama School?

Question Title

* 3. Dè tha tarraingeach dhuibh mun Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma?  
Which from the following list do you find appealing about the Gaelic Drama Summer School?  Tick as many as apply.

Question Title

* 4. An do ghabh sibh fhèin/ur pàiste pàirt anns an Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma?
Have you/has your child attended the Gaelic Drama Summer School?

Question Title

* 5. Bhon a chaidh a stèidheachadh, tha an Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma air a bhith a tachairt ann am Port Rìgh, san Eilean Sgitheanach, sa chiad cheala-deug den Iuchar.  Tha a' choimhearsnachd Gàidhlig a tha ri làimh gus taic a chur ri taisbeanaidhean poblach na h-adhbhar airson sin.  A bheil an t-àite gur mì-mhisneachadh no ur pàiste cuir a-steach air a shon?

Since its establishment the Gaelic Drama Summer School has been based in Portree, Skye in the first two weeks of July. Having access to a Gaelic-speaking audience for a public performance is a key factor. Does this location discourage you/your child from applying?

Question Title

* 6. Ma bhios an Sgoil Dhràma ga cumail rè làithean-saora eile - rè na Caisge no anns an Dàmhair - am biodh sibh fhèin/ur pàiste na bu dhualtaiche pàirt a ghabhail?

If the Drama School were to be held during a different holiday period - during Easter or October - would you/your child be more inclined to attend?

Question Title

* 7. Nam maireadh an Sgoil Dhràma airson ùine nas giorra, m.e. seachdain an àite ceala-deug, am biodh sibh/ur pàiste na bu dhualtaiche pàirt a ghabhail innte?

If the Drama School were to run for a shorter period of time, e.g. one week rather than two, would you/your child be more inclined to attend?

Question Title

* 8. Gu ruige seo tha an Sgoil air a bhith ag amas air deugairean fileanta sa Ghàidhlig eadar 14 agus 18 ach, as dèidh do phàrantan fhaighneachd anns an bliadhnaichean a dh'fhalbh, fhuair dithis no triùir an cothrom pàirt a ghabhail aig aois 13 a-rèir eòlais agus an àireamh de dh'àiteanan a bha rim faotainn.   Ma stèidheachas sinn aois inntrigidh na Sgoile aig 13 am biodh ùidh agaibh fhèin/aig ur pàiste? 

To date the School has been aimed at Gaelic speaking teenagers aged 14 to 18 but, following enquiries made by parents in previous years, a number of 13 year olds have received a place depending on experience and spaces available. If we were to lower the entry age to 13 would you/your child be interested?

Question Title

* 9. Gu ruige seo 's e £150 a' chosgais a bh' air gach compàirtiche son son ceala-deug na Sgoile Dràma a tha, ri linn fialaidheachd ar luchd-maoineachaidh, na cuibhreann bheag den fhìor-chosgais airson oideachaidh, àiteanan-còmhnaidh, cur-seachadan agus biadh rè na Sgoile Dràma.  A bheil a' chosgais seo na h-adhbhar cudromachd dhuibh a thaobh a bhith dèanamh co-dhùnadh pàirt a ghabhail gus nach eil?

To date the fee per participant for the two-week Drama School has been £150 which, thanks to the generosity of our funders, is a small part of the actual cost and covers all tuition, accommodation, activities and meals for the duration of the Drama School. Is the cost a factor in your decision to attend or not attend?

Question Title

* 10. Ma tha a' chosgais a' cur bacadh oirbh/air ur pàiste pàirt a ghabhail am biodh sibh/ur pàiste na bu dhualtaiche a dhol ann nam biodh bursaraidh ri fhaotainn?

If cost is a barrier to your participation would you be more likely to attend if a bursary were available?

Question Title

* 11. Tapadh leibh airson a' cheisteachain seo a lìonadh dhuinn.
Tha ur freagairtean luachmhor dhuinn agus thèid ur fiosrachadh a chumail dìomhair.

Nam bu toil leibh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh fhaighinn mu dheidhinn Sgoil Shamhraidh Dràma na bliadhna-sa, nach cuir sibh post-d gu Oifigear Dràma Fhèisean nan Gàidheal, Aonghas MacLeòid, aig no tadhlaibh air

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.
Your response is valuable to us and all information will be treated confidentially.

If you would like further details of this year's Gaelic Drama Summer School, please e-mail Fèisean nan Gàidheal's Drama Officer, Angus Macleod, at or visit

Any other thoughts, opinions or questions can be shared in the box below.