Many thanks for taking the time to complete this survey.

Note about anonymity:  Your responses are anonymous and will not be linked to you personally in any way (a third party is managing the analysis). Only high-level trends and anonymous comments will be reported back to the Trust for the purposes of continuous improvement.

All questions are voluntary – please skip any you do not wish to answer.

Question Title

* 2. Would you consider yourself to be part of a group that is under-represented at the Trust (whether in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, religion or belief, disability)?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the Trust in terms of the following:

  10 - Excellent 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Very poor
Awareness of the diverse needs of its employee population
Efforts to eliminate harassment/victimisation
Encouraging a culture of mutual respect and tolerance
Educating employees about appropriate behaviours towards minority groups
Supporting employees from minority groups
The overall approach that the Trust has to diversity and inclusion

Question Title

* 4. Thinking back to a year ago, how would you rate the Trust as it was then? (If you have not been an employee of the Trust for more than a year, please skip this question or select N/A).

  10 - Excellent 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Very poor N/A
Awareness of the diverse needs of its employee population
Efforts to eliminate harassment/victimisation
Encouraging a culture of mutual respect and tolerance
Educating employees about appropriate behaviours towards minority groups
Supporting employees from minority groups
The overall approach that the Trust has to diversity and inclusion

Question Title

* 5. How aware are you of the following SWBH programmes and projects?

  Very aware (and have been involved with/used this) Very aware (but not involved with/used) Aware Slightly aware (rings a bell) Unaware
Mutual Respect and Tolerance Guidance and Campaign
Black History Month
LGBT History Month
Leadership Programmes for BME Colleagues
Leadership Programme for LGBT Colleagues
BME Employee Network
Equality and Diversity Training
LGBT Employee Network
Diverse range of foods in Trust restaurants
Gender neutral toilets
Disability Employee Network
Support from Staffside Colleagues
Freedom to Speak Up Guardians
Human Resources support
Line management support

Question Title

* 6. Thinking about the programmes and initiatives that you have used/been involved with, to what extent has the following improved for you personally?

  10 - Substantial improvement 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - No improvement N/A
Understanding of diversity issues
Empathy with the needs of minority groups
Knowing what constitutes appropriate/inappropriate behaviour towards others
Knowing how to deal with colleagues or patients who are being prejudicial/discriminatory

Question Title

* 7. Have you seen any improvements in the area of diversity, equality and inclusion over the past year?

Question Title

* 8. If you answered ‘yes’, what improvements or good practice have you seen? (This might be something that has affected you personally, or something more general)

Question Title

* 9. If you answered 'no', what improvements would you like to see?

Question Title

* 10. How likely are you to do the following:

  10 - Very likely 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Not likely at all
Consider a long-term position at the Trust
Consider applying for a promotion
Recommend working at the Trust to others
Attend an employee network group
Challenge misconceptions in the workplace

Question Title

* 11. Thinking back to one year ago, how likely were you to do the following back then? (If you were not at the Trust a year ago, please skip this question or select N/A):

  10 - Very likely 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Not likely at all N/A
Consider a long-term position at the Trust
Consider applying for a promotion
Recommend working at the Trust to others
Attend an employee network group
Challenge misconceptions in the workplace

Question Title

* 12. Please say how much you agree/disagree with the following:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I am proud to tell people where I work
I see a future for myself at the Trust
The Trust challenges behaviours that are discriminatory/prejudicial
The Trust has helped me to better understand the needs of minority groups
The Trust gives equal opportunities to its employees
SWBH NHS Trust has a reputation as an inclusive employer

Question Title

* 13. We would like to know if the work we are doing to promote diversity amongst our employees, is having a beneficial impact on the patients we serve.

How would you rate the quality of care towards patients from minority groups….

  10 - Excellent 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Very poor N/A year ago

Question Title

* 14. Is there anything else you can think of that has not already been covered that the Trust could do to make it a more inclusive employer?