Dear members

The London Art History Society is organised and run by the voluntary efforts of our committee and funded by the membership and lecture/course fees. In the last year, and since the Covid lockdown, venue costs in central London have vastly increased and lecturer costs are much higher. Many of our individual courses and study days have not covered their costs and though our reserves have covered this, we need to be sure to cover our costs to survive in the future.
We have had to increase our membership fee and the fees for some of our events.
The tastes and requirements of London Art History Society members seem to have changed and we need to know if we should continue as we are or change some of the subject areas we cover and how that content is delivered.
We need to ensure that we meet the expectations of our members and have therefore prepared the attached survey. This will help us to understand our members' behaviours and preferences post-Covid and in light of the current cost-of-living situation. We have tried to minimise the number of questions. Your responses will directly influence our offerings and activities. 
Just to make clear, we are not asking for you to give us any personal data and your answers and comments will be analysed internally and only used by the Committee to aid our future decision-making.
Your input is crucial to the future of the Society. The survey should take about 10 minutes, so please help us by setting aside a little time to complete it for us. 
John Dunlop
Please be aware, you need to provide answers to all questions in order to move on to the next section. For any further comments or questions about this survey please contact: