Question Title

* 1. Which support service(s) did you access?

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* 2. Could you share your reasons for choosing this particular type(s) of support?

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* 3. Is there anything about this type of support that you found particularly helpful or something you feel we are doing well?

Question Title

* 4. Could you share something specific that our support has enabled you to do or to stop doing?

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* 5. Is there anything about this type of support that you found particularly unhelpful or things we could improve on?

Question Title

* 6. Thinking back to when you first accessed our service how were you feeling about things in your life? Please rate where 1 is not very good and 10 is very good

Question Title

* 7. Thinking about now, after having accessed our service, how are you feeling about things in your life? Please rate  where 1 is not very good and 10 is very good

Question Title

* 8. How helpful did you find our website where 1 is Not helpful and 10 is Really helpful

Question Title

* 9. Would you recommend this service?

Question Title

* 10. How would you describe your gender?

Question Title

* 11. Would you consider yourself from a marginalised or disadvantaged group?

Question Title

* 12. if you have accessed the Male Helpline, Text, Live Chat or Email service does accessing a service specifically for Males make a difference to you?

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* 13. Were you given the choice of the gender of the person supporting you?

Question Title

* 14. Do you have any feedback about our marketing, promotional materials or social media posts?

Question Title

* 15. We would like to use your feedback for purposes such as for research, funding applications, to monitor and improve our services and to promote our services. All responses remain anonymous.  Do you give consent for us to use your responses? Please tick as appropriate:

Question Title

* 16. Would you like to become a member of our user involvement panel and help shape what we do and how we do it, give us your opinion on our information and services to inform and improve survivors’ experience of Safeline? If you’re interested, please get in touch via the contact details below.  Thank you

6A New Street
CV34 4RX

Tel: 01926 402498

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100% of survey complete.