September 2023

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* 1. Please provide us with your primary contact details

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* 2. What steps do you take to recruit new staff?

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* 3. Are you struggling to recruit skilled workforce?

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* 4. Is your business suffering from skills shortages?

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* 5. Please could you tell us what skills/qualifications would improve your business.

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* 6. Do you think the current qualifications on offer to your business in Essex meet your business needs?

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* 7. Do you offer apprenticeship opportunities for school/college leavers?

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* 8. Can you tell us what you need to offer more apprenticeships to this age group or to commence offering them.

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* 9. Do you train your current workforce using apprenticeship funding?

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* 10. Can you tell us what you need to offer more apprenticeships to your workforce or to commence offering them.

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* 11. Do you offer work experience to students?

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* 12. Could your business support a high-quality work experience placement?

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* 13. Do you agree that a work placement could add value to your organisation?

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* 14. Can you tell us what type of work placement would add value to your business.

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* 15. Tell us about the local/national networks that you work with.

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* 16. Do you need information on how to be more carbon efficient?

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* 17. Do you need more information on how to be cyber prepared?

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* 18. What commercial training do you require as an organisation?

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* 19. Please add anything else you feel is appropriate to this survey.

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* 21. What digital technology do you use within your industry?

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* 22. What digital skills do you need your workforce to have?

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* 23. Would you like further information about the Local Skills Improvement Plan