Only 5 questions and a chance to win a Fortnum and Mason Christmas Hamper

Question Title

* 1. For 2017 which are your key priorities?

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* 2. Which of these would you appreciate ideas and support on?

  Very Important Important Unimportant Very Unimportant
Ways to run my practice more cost efficiently 
Finding cost effective sources of new client leads
Working on our investment proposition 
Creating value in my business for a future / eventual exit 
Building my professional connections
Help with CPD 
Help in due diligence on platform selection
Attending more valuable events or webinars
Better client communications - website / e comms / newsletters / events etc
Ways to offer a service to clients with lower income or capital
Help with recruitment

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* 3. Which of these would you like to develop in 2017 ?

  Important Very Important Unimportant Very Unimportant
Health Insurance 
Retail protection - IP, CI etc
Use of Peer to Peer Lending 
Use of ethically directed investments
Use of model portfolios 
Protected investments / capital secure etc
Drawdown / at retirement market 
Auto Enrolment Business
Equity Release 
Use of ETFs
Income Investments
Mortgage business
Use of Thematic Investments 
General investment information
Choosing and using a DFM
Defined Benefit Transfer Analysis
Corporate Protection - key man, business succession, relevant life etc
Use of alternative investments ( VCT/ EIS etc )

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* 4. Thinking about provider events - is there anything you would really welcome - a subject or issue that you think would benefit your business?

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* 5. Can you think of anything - a service or any kind - that isn't to your knowledge available which would really help you develop your business - either from FS providers or elsewhere?

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* 6. Please state your email address and we will enter you for our Prize Christmas Hamper Draw - thanks