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Nene Park Trust is keen to improve the experience for visitors at Thorpe Meadows. With this in mind, we are looking at providing a café, with a small play area and toilet facilities adjacent to the car park. Please help us develop our plans by letting us know what you think in this short survey. Thank you.

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* 1. How often do you visit Thorpe Meadows?
Please tick all that apply.

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* 2. What is your main reason for visiting Thorpe Meadows?

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* 3. Where do you live in relation to Thorpe Meadows?

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* 4. What facilities would you like to see at Thorpe Meadows? Please rate these things by importance to you. (1 is the most important)

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* 5. Would you use a cafe at Thorpe Meadows>

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* 6. If yes, how often would you go to a café at Thorpe Meadows?
Please tick all that apply.

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Nene Park Trust has drawn up plans for a new café and facilities at Thorpe Meadows. Looking at the images below and thinking about the location, design and facilities, please provide any comments and feedback you have. There is a comment box below the three images.

Image 1) Site plan showing the Thorpe Meadows car park and proposed café at the bottom of the image.

Nene Park Trust has drawn up plans for a new caf&eacute; and facilities at Thorpe Meadows. Looking at the images below and thinking about the location, design and facilities, please provide any comments and feedback you have. There is a comment box below the three images.<br><br>Image 1) Site plan showing the Thorpe Meadows car park and proposed caf&eacute; at the bottom of the image.

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Image 2) Artist's impression of proposed café and play area

Image 2) Artist's impression of proposed caf&eacute; and play area

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Image 3) Proposed plans for café and toilets

Image 3) Proposed plans for caf&eacute; and toilets

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* 7. Please let us know any comments or feedback on the images shown here and our plans.

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* 8. What is your gender?

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* 9. What is your age?

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* 10. What is your ethnicity?

Thank you for taking part in this survey. Your feedback is very important to us. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels @neneparkpboro for updates on this project.
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