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We want to make sure that every tenant who wants to be involved in decision-making about the housing service has the opportunity to get involved. We have some existing tenants groups and have recently started an e-panel for people who want to be involved, but don’t want to attend meetings.

Tenants who are involved have the opportunity to shape and influence how we deliver the service, such as;

·       Annual rent setting consultation
·       Scrutiny of the service and how we spend money
·       Review of specific areas of service such as Repairs and Lettings.
·       Future new build housing developments in Angus

We’d like to do more, but first we’d like to find out what tenants think and if there are any good ideas we haven’t thought about.

Please answer the following questions about tenant participation. If you want us to contact you about anything in the survey, please give your name and contact details at the end.

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* 1. Are you:

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Do you participate in any existing tenant participation activities (please select all that apply)?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with the existing tenant participation opportunities?

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* 5. What could we do to help you participate in the existing tenant participation activities?

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* 6. What new activity or activities would you like us to start?

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* 7. Thinking about your answer to question 6, would you participate if it was available?

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* 8. Which of these social media platforms do you use?

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* 9. If you want us to contact you about anything in this survey, please give your name and contact number or email address below:

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