EMDR can be a valuable tool to work with children and young people who are struggling with their mental health.  However, there can be difficulties for people trained in EMDR to utilise this therapy within their CAMHS practice.  This survey is designed to gain an insight into the use of EMDR within CAMHS and some of the difficulties practitioners may be facing.  This can then help us find the best way to support those doing this valuable work.
Thank you for participating. The survey will take about 5 minutes and will be confidential unless you opt to include your email address at the end.

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* 1. What is the highest level of EMDR training you have achieved?

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* 2. Have you completed the C&A training?

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* 3. When did you complete that level?

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* 4. Do you have EMDR specific supervision?

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* 5. If yes, is this provided by CAMHS or self-funded?

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* 6. Are you using EMDR in CAMHS?

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* 7. If yes, how many clients have you used EMDR with?

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* 8. What percentage of your case load do you use EMDR with?

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* 9. What age are the clients who you use EMDR with?

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* 10. If no, reason(s) for not using?

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* 11. If you are willing to be contacted about your responses, please add your email address in the box below