Health and care services survey - Easy Read

Healthwatch Torbay and Devon listen to what people say about health and care services.

They want to know what works well and what needs to be better.

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust make sure health and care services are there for people who need them.

They want to hear about the things that are important for the people who use their services.

We would like to hear what you think about making health and care services better.

Please answer the following questions...

1.Please click on the pictures of the things which you think would make health and care services better.
2.Please click on the pictures of the things which you think would make health and care services better.
3.Is there anything else you would like to say? 
4.If you have told us about something to do with your health and care, how easy was it?
5.You can tell us more here if you would like to: 
6.We would like to be able to share information with people.

What do you think are the best ways to communicate?
Questions about you

We would like to know about the people answering our survey.

You do not have to answer the next questions if you do not want to.

7.What is the first half of your postcode?

8.How old are you?

9.How would you describe your gender?
10.How would you describe your ethnicity?

Thank you for taking to time to complete this survey.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered