BCRT Information Resources - Feedback from services users and the public

Thank you for helping us make The Bone Cancer Research Trust’s (BCRT) information resources better. To make sure our resources meet the needs of patients, families, carers, friends, healthcare professionals and the general public, we would love to hear your views in this short survey.
1.So that we can understand how to improve BCRT’s information resources, please answer the following questions:

How do you usually access BCRT’s information?
(Tick as many options as you want)
2.What is your favourite BCRT resource and why? For example, a printed booklet about osteosarcoma or a webpage about Ewing sarcoma(Required.)
3.Do you find BCRT’s resources useful?(Required.)
4.Do you think the resources fulfil their purpose?
Note: Resources with the PIF TICK logo explain their purpose at the start
5.We can provide resources in different formats. Which formats are most useful for you?
(Tick as many options as you want)
6.Do you think there are any gaps in the information BCRT offers? Would you like to hear more about something? Is any information missing?(Required.)
7.Please tell us about any changes that would make BCRT’s resources better(Required.)
8.Do you think it would be helpful for a healthcare professional to give out Bone Cancer Research Trust resources to people when they are diagnosed?(Required.)
9.Do you think the resources are right for the age group(s) they are aimed at?(Required.)
10.Do you think BCRT’s resources are suitable for different cultures?(Required.)
11.Do you think any of BCRT’s resources need to be translated into other languages?(Required.)
12.Do you have any other comments or feedback?
Current Progress,
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