The Tilbury on the Thames Trust has received a Development grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to develop their plans for opening up Tilbury Riverside Station. The purpose of this questionnaire is to test some initial ideas with local people and port workers. We would welcome your feedback and ideas by 31st January 2024. All responses are anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself.

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* 1. Have you ever been inside Tilbury Riverside Station?

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* 2. Which of the following have you done at Tilbury Riverside Station? Tick all that apply.

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* 3. What do you value most about Tilbury Riverside Station?

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* 4. Please tell us one thing you know about Tilbury Cruise Terminal.

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* 5. The Back on Track project will restore the Tilbury Riverside Station, install exhibits, provide space for artist studios, and visitor facilities. Please tell us how likely you are to visit:

  Unlikely Likely Very likely
Free displays about the history of Tilbury Cruise Terminal
Free displays about Tilbury Port today
A cafe with indoor and outdoor seating
A gift shop
Artist studios
Events e.g. pop up theatre, cinema

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* 6. We have identified 6 potential themes for the displays in Tilbury Riverside Station. Please tell us how interested you are in each of these so we can prioritise them.

  Not interested Interested Very interested
Life’s journey: millions of people have left and come to Britain from Tilbury in the hope of opportunity and looking for a better future for themselves, families and loved ones
Where modern Britain began: the MV Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury. It has a unique place in the story of multi-cultural Britain
Defending our shores: Tilbury has a strategic location on the Thames, it is a gateway to London and has played a vital role in our history
How the Port worked: the story of Tilbury Riverside and people who have worked there
The Port of Tilbury: the port is one of the most important in the UK, enabling us to trade and handle goods and materials essential to everyday life, including during the Covid-19 pandemic
The Climate Emergency: what is Port Forth doing to combat this?

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* 7. How interested would you be in accessing information at Tilbury Riverside in these ways?

  Not interested Interested Very interested
Reading information panels with photographs
QR codes
Benches where you could sit and listen to audio
Seeing large scale images with short descriptions - they would constantly change 
Audio Visual presentations - light/sound shows
Interactives - screens where you choose what you see and hear
Volunteer led tours

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* 8. A year-round programme of heritage inspired activities will be developed. How interested would you be in the following:

  Not interested Interested Very interested
Behind the scenes talks by the project team during the restoration of the building
A general tour of Tilbury Riverside once it is restored
A tour exploring the story of the Empire Windrush arrival at Tilbury
A tour learning more about the strategic location of Tilbury and how it has defended England - from Elizabeth 1st to WW2
Small, sensory tours for people with dementia and their carers
Heritage Days with talks, tours and costumed characters
Port Open Days – to learn more about the port today
Family days with activities, crafts, trails and storytelling
Drop in sessions for under 5s during term time
A Victorian themed Christmas event
Open studio events where you can meet artists and see their work
Food themed events with pop up food stalls and entertainment

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* 9. If you have suggestions for other events, activities or resources you would like to see at Tilbury Riverside please tell us below.

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* 10. Is there anything we can do to make a visit more accessible for you, your family or someone you know? For example by offering large print guides, British Sign Language tours or audio enhancement. Please tell us what would be useful below.

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* 11. These questions are about you. They will help us monitor who has taken part in the consultation. Please indicate which age group you fall into.

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* 12. Please describe your gender

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* 13. Please could you share the first 5 digits of your home postcode with us? This will not be shared with, or used for any other purpose other than us knowing we have consulted with the local community.

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* 14. Do you work for Forth Ports?

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* 15. Do you ever play the National Lottery - either the draw or scratch cards

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* 16. To help us better understand what people would like to see and do at Tilbury Riverside Station we are planning some in person and online discussion groups. If you would like to be part of these, please provide your contact details below. They will only be used for the purposes of inviting you to a group. There will be no obligation to participate at that point.

Please submit your response by clicking on the DONE button below.
The data collected in this survey will be stored and processed by Alix Slater Consultancy & Training Ltd. on behalf of the Tilbury on the Thames Trust for the purposes of developing the 'Back on Track' project. Your responses are anonymous. The findings will not be attributed to an individual but written up as a data set and shared with the National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of our submission. We may use your comments in our application. Data and your details will not be passed onto third parties. Alix Slater Consultancy & Training operates within the Data Protection Act and Market Research Society guidelines. Please contact Alix Slater at if you have any questions regarding the content of the survey or your data.