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The Urban Forest Accelerator Programme is evaluated by The Evaluator. As part of the evaluation we want to understand how organisations are supported and what they already know. This is a vital part of learning how to scale the programme and how to create more urban forests around the UK. 

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* 1. How do you know the Urban Forest Accelerator team and project?

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* 2. How did you first hear about the Urban Forest Accelerator?

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* 3. What activities have you done with Urban Forest Accelerator? Please tick as many as you like.

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* 4. When did you attend this event?

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* 5. Which of the following images represented how connected you are to nature?

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* 6. Which of the following images represented how connected you are to trees?

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* 7. Which of the following images represented how connected you are to your local community? 

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* 8. Which of the following do you think are benefits to street trees? Please tick all that you think are benefits.

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* 9. Which of the following do you think are annoying about street trees? Please tick all that you think are annoying.

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* 10. We'd like to ask you a few questions now to see if Urban Forest Accelerator is working with a wide range of people.

What is your gender?

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* 11. What are your initials? This is to create a code which tracks people over time and allows us to understand our work in more detail. 

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* 12. What is your date of birth?

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* 14. Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?

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* 15. What is your home postcode?

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* 16. Do you have access to an outdoor space?

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* 17. Would you like more street trees on your street? 

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* 18. Is there anything else you would like to say about the Urban Forest Accelerator at this point?

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* 19. Would you like to take part in a 15 minute research interview about urban trees? Depending on take up, we may not be able to contact everyone. If you would rather not, please press done. 

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