Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form
Fight for Sight and Vision foundation want to meet the aims and commitments set out in our Diversity and Inclusion policy. This includes not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010 and building an accurate picture of the make-up of the workforce in encouraging equality and diversity. We are also committed to an inclusive recruitment process.
Any information collected from this survey will be used to contribute to Fight for Sight and Vision Foundation's equal opportunities monitoring and compliance. All data will be handled in line with current data protection legislation.
I agree that any information shared in this survey can be used for the purposes detailed above.
Which position are you applying for?
Does your gender identity match your sex as registered at birth?
Prefer not to say
What is your gender identity? Example: Female
Are you married or in a civil partnership?
Prefer not to say
Please select your age group from the options below:
Under 18
65 and over
Prefer not to say
What is your ethnicity? Example: Black British
You will be considered as having a disability if you fit the definition as given in the Equality Act 2010. In the Act, a disability is a ‘physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’ For these purposes, ‘long term’ is taken to mean the condition is likely to last longer than 12 months or likely to recur.
Do you have a disability or health condition?
Prefer not to say
As far as I am aware, I don’t have a disability or health condition
If you answered 'Yes' to Question 8: What is the effect or impact of your disability or health condition on your ability to give your best at work?
Not applicable, I did not answer 'Yes' to Question 9
Prefer not to say
If applicable, please describe here:
Are you blind or partially sighted?
The information in this form is for monitoring purposes only. If you believe you need a ‘reasonable adjustment’, then please discuss this with the manager running the recruitment process.
Prefer not to say
What is your sexual orientation? Example: Bisexual
What is your current religion or belief, if any? Example: Hindu
Do you have any caring responsibilities? Please tick all that apply.
Primary carer of a child/children (under 18)
Primary carer of disabled child/children
Primary carer of disabled adult (18 and over)
Primary carer of older person
Secondary carer (another person carries out the main caring role)
Prefer not to say
Other (please specify)
Data Protection Statement
Data Controller name: Fight for Sight
Vision Foundation and Fight for Sight use this information to review compliance with our policies on equal opportunity in relation to recruitment. We will use this data to inform our statistics on the representation of the categories of individual as shown above. We will treat all personal information in line with current data protection legislation and our data protection policy. For more information on how we use the information you have provided, please see our privacy policy: https://www.visionfoundation.org.uk/cookies-privacy-policy/ and https://www.fightforsight.org.uk/privacy-statement/
In order for us to process this information and to comply with data protection legislation, we require your consent. You are not required to give your consent; you acknowledge that any consent given is freely given. Your job application is not dependent on your giving consent to our processing of this data.
Statement: I consent to the use of my data for the above purposes only: