Online cookery demonstration feedback form

We are proud of our service users' satisfaction levels, and love to see you come back to us, time and again. Please help us continue to provide great cookery activities by completing the short form below. Thank you.
1.Name of chef & group attended:
2.How did you find out about the cookery activity?
3.Overall how would you rate the cookery activity that you attended?
4.How did you find the pace of the session?
5.Are there any recipes or types of dishes that you’d like to learn in future?
6.What did you most enjoy about the cookery activity?
7.Was the time of day that the activity ran suitable for you?
8.Could we have done anything to improve the experience for you?
9.Would you be interested in attending another Vegetarian for Life cookery activity in the future?
10.How well do you feel Vegetarian for Life meets your specific needs? Sharing your experiences with us will help us to improve our services and make them better for everyone.
11.Any other comments or feedback?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered