Consultation on Strategy

This consultation is being carried out by Scotland's Learning Partnership, Learning Link Scotland and Workers' Educational Association, Scotland. All three organisations sit on the Strategic Forum for Adult Learning and have been tasked with developing a strategy for adult learning in Scotland. The strategy will focus on the priorities for the next five years, and address the core principles of the Statement of Ambition.  These are:
1.    Adult learning is lifelong beginning in the Early Years, supported by Curriculum for Excellence and covering the whole age span of post compulsory education.
2.    Adult learning is life-wide. It covers the personal, work, family and community aspects of living.
3.    Adult learning is learner-centred. The educational process builds around the interests and motives of the learner.

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* 1. Do you think we should develop a strategy to support the Statement for Ambition for Adult Learning in Scotland?

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* 2. Who is the audience for the strategy? Tick as many as you think apply and please add some of your own:

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* 3. What would our outcomes be? What do we want to achieve through the strategy?

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* 4. How will we know if we have achieved our outcomes? How will we measure success?

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* 5. What wider benefits would we see as a result of success with the strategy?

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* 6. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 7. If you'd like to stay in touch and find out what happens next, please leave your contact details here:

Many thanks for completing the survey, we will collate the responses and, together with information gathered at meetings, will create a draft strategy with the aim of having the first draft finished by the end of summer 2018.