PDS048 New Patient Survey (Portway Dental Practice, Frome) Please help us understand how you found us and why you chose our practice by completing this questionnaire. This is completely anonymous and any information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. Question Title * Are you: Male Female Question Title * Which of the following age groups applies to you? 16 - 18 19 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+ Question Title * How did you first hear about the practice? Just Passing Recommended by another patient Recommended by a family member Website Internet search Can't remember Other Question Title * Why did you originally choose this practice? Close to home Close to work Recommended by another patient Recommended by a family member Fees Promotion Offered private dentistry Offered a dental plan Can't remember Question Title * How far do you travel to the practice from your home? Less than 5 miles 5 - 9 miles 10 - 14 miles 15+ miles Done