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As a representative body for almost 200 charities that rely on legacy income, we will be feeding our members' views in the Chartered Institute of Fundraising's response to the Fundraising Regulator's consultation into the Code of Fundraising Practice. 

This proposals in this consultation have the potential to permanently change best practice in legacy fundraising, so we ask that every member charity submits one response. If you would like to discuss some of the changes further don't hesitate to get in touch on

Before answering, we recommend that you review the questions in the consultation here

Thank you for completing this survey. 

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* 1. What is the name of your organisation?

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* 2. What is your annual voluntary income?

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* 3. The Fundraising Regulator is proposing to move to a principles-based approach. Are you for or against this?

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* 4. Please explain your answer to the previous question

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* 5. If the Fundraising Regulator chooses to take forward  a principles-based approach, what support do you think charities and donors will need to make the transition process as smooth as possible? 

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* 6. Are you in favor of Rule 15.77 being amended to include provisions that trustees can consider the reputational risks of accepting a legacy with recognition requirements? 

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* 7. Please explain your answer to the previous question

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* 8. The Fundraising Regulator is considering including additional standards or guidance on social media, are you in favor of this?

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* 9. Please explain your answer to the previous question

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* 10. Are there any other proposals in the consultation that you think could impact legacy fundraising?