CASP's 2021 Annual Survey
CASP's 2021 Annual Survey
Complete this survey and be in for the chance to win a £15 Amazon gift voucher!
Which of the following best describes your current situation?
Working full time at home
Working full time away from home
Working part-time at home
Working part time away from home
Made redundant
Other (please specify)
Have you experienced any of the following as a result of the pandemic (tick all that apply)?
Reduced income
Lack of job security
Increased household work
Managing childcare
Negative impact on my health & wellbeing (including stress & anxiety)
Home schooling
Other (please specify)
How has COVID-19 affected you and your household
It did not affect my household
My household have had to self-isolate
Members of my household contracted COVID-19
We have lost family members due to COVID-19
Members of my family are still affected by COVID-19
Other (please specify)
Which CASP services do you/ will you use (select all that apply)?
Breakfast service
After school collection
Holiday play scheme
I think this service could be better if...
What impact do CASP services have on you and your child’s life?
What impact would it have on you if CASP were to operate a reduced service, or not operate at all (select all that apply)?
I would have to reduce hours at work
I would have to give up work
I would not be able to study/ spend time on skills development/ improving myself
I could find alternative childcare easily
No impact
Other (please specify)
CASP could support me better if …
What services or activities do you think CASP could offer in the future?
More educational support for children’s parents, or for children
Employment support for parents – i.e., signposting to training or job opportunities, support with CV and cover letter writing
Personal and skills development for parents – i.e., confidence, coaching or leadership skills
Advice on financial support options, or managing our finances
Preparing children for adult life – including financial management, understanding mental health, confidence coaching etc
Healthy online activities, or how to manage online usage
Advice on affordable healthy meals and snacks
Understanding and managing health & wellbeing (including stress & anxiety)
Other (please specify)
A priority for CASP over the next few months will be to secure the funds needed to continue to run its services. If you are happy to be contacted to provide us with your experience of CASP for fundraising purposes, please input your email address here.
Current Progress,
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