OLD SDS Evaluation

Letting us know how the experience was for you

Please take a few minutes to tell us your thoughts and feelings about going through the Self Directed Support process
1.I was informed about how the eligibility criteria for SDS fits my situation?
2.Did you feel prepared before your Social Work Assessment took place?
3.I feel my (and my families) worth and contribution was respected and therefore validated
4.I was given the chance to express what matters to me
5.I was made to feel my contribution to this process mattered and i felt i had an equal voice within all the meetings
6.I received...
7.I feel i have a better understanding of what Self- Directed Support (SDS) is
8.I was supported to look for a Personal Assistant (PA)
9.I have a Personal Assistant (PA)
10.I have accessed support for Option 1 through SDS Options Fife
Human Resources (HR worker)
11.I know about the different support organisations within my community
12.I feel better informed or have a clearer  understanding of the assessment and review process
13.I know how to challenge a decision
14.I was able to change my support package easily
15.I know where to get support from in the future if things change
16.I would like to inform you about my experience