Business & Impact: Coronavirus |
Business & Impact: Coronavirus Drop-in Discussions
Dear LBG Members,
In light of the spread of C-19 and its implications to the economy and people’s wellbeing, the LBG Team & Steering Group have decided to prioritise the convening of LBG Members in order to facilitate the sharing of ideas and examples of best practice and to support our companies responding to the threats posed by the virus in the field of social impact.
To assist us develop a comprehensive agenda and schedule virtual meetings, please fill in the following short survey. The results of this survey will NOT be shared with anyone outside Corporate Citizenship & LBG and the findings of this survey will be used solely for the purposes of developing an agenda for the Business & Impact: Coronavirus drop-in sessions which LBG will facilitate.
To assist us develop a comprehensive agenda and schedule virtual meetings, please fill in the following short survey. The results of this survey will NOT be shared with anyone outside Corporate Citizenship & LBG and the findings of this survey will be used solely for the purposes of developing an agenda for the Business & Impact: Coronavirus drop-in sessions which LBG will facilitate.