BSH/NHSE Acute Oncology Services Survey

Please provide your feedback by Monday 9 September. 

To improve and promote an effective Acute Oncology Service that will be a positive experience for patients in difficult times and give practitioners the framework to provide the best care; we are seeking feedback from Haematology Oncology-interested consultants on your experiences. This is in order to make improvements by incorporating your opinions on what best constitutes a positive, reactive and fit-for-purpose acute oncology service. Our aim is to improve quality and safety while delivering seamless urgent cancer care across the NHS.

1.Are you aware of the recently published AO advice to alliances? If so, which AO advice is used in your trust?
2.Are you familiar with the AO quality surveillance measures? If so, which measures are used in your Trust?
3.Do you think that your haemato-oncology service complies with these measures? In particular, does your Trust Acute Oncology Group have a haematology doctor an/or nurse as a member?
4.How closely (if at all) does your haemato-oncology service work with your Trust AO service?
5.Would closer working with the AO services be achievable and/or desirable?
6.Please provide any other feedback.