Your views are important to us because we want to understand your experience of using legal services provided by individuals and firms regulated by us.

We will keep your responses confidential and they will be amalgamated and analysed anonymously. We feed this information into developing our regulation and guidance to help those we regulate enhance the services they provide to consumers.

What does CILEx Regulation do?
We set standards in the legal work and services provided by those we regulate and oversee compliance with these standards.

Who do we regulate?
We authorise and regulate:
  - individual lawyers called Chartered Legal Executives (Fellows) and CILEx Practitioners, and
  - firms, which are known as CILEx Authorised Entities. 
We also regulate other members of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx).

Legal Services Provider
In the survey “legal service provider” means the person or the firm which carried out your legal work for you.

Thank you for your time