CENSIS 'Getting started' guides - user feedback Question Title * 1. Which of the following CENSIS 'how to' guides have your read? Tick as many as apply: Getting started with IoT: exploring IoT for business growth (bright blue cover) Cyber security and IoT: explaining why IoT devices must be secure by design (green cover) Getting started with IoT for social infrastructure: how to understand buildings using IoT (dark blue cover) Getting started with computer vision: a guide to the knowledge and application of visual systems (orange cover) OK Question Title * 2. How much technical experience or knowledge of sensing, imaging and/or IoT systems did you have before reading the guide(s)? I had none I had some I had a lot OK Question Title * 3. What did you think about the level at which the guide(s) were pitched? Pitched too low, I would have liked more technical information Pitched too high, I would have appreciated fewer technical details or spent longer having the technical subjects explained Pitched at the right level for me Anything else you want to add (please provide details below, and remember to tell us which guide your comments refer to) OK Question Title * 4. Did the guides cover all the subjects you expected to read about? Was anything missing? Yes, everything that I expected to read about was covered No, I would have like to have read more about: If you said no, tell us what was missing (remember to tell us which guide your comments refer to): OK Question Title * 5. If CENSIS developed the information in these guides and delivered them in a different format, would any of these delivery methods interest you? Choose as many as you like: Small classroom-based tutorials focused on explanation and presentation (at a time when this becomes possible again) Small classroom-based tutorials focused on hand-on/practical exercises (at a time when this is possible again) Live online webinars focused on presentation and demonstration with a chance to ask questions Pre-recorded webinars or video focused on presentations or demonstrations that I could watch in my own time No, I am happy with a written guide Another other format (please tell us if you have any other ideas about how you would like to see content delivered) OK Question Title * 6. What other subjects you would you like to see CENSIS tackle in the next ‘how to guide’? Climate change Transport Extreme environments Food and drink Energy Manufacturing Tourism Something else (please tell us) OK DONE