The following questions give us an overview of your marketing and needs. Please answer with no concern about being right or wrong.  

Question Title

In the past twelve months I have achieved my marketing goals

Question Title

What are your current marketing support needs?

Question Title

When it comes to your business, how confident are you about the following? (1 Low, 5 High):

  1 2 3 4 5
My business can be easily explained in one or two sentences
My target market is clearly defined
The location of my target market is clear and well mapped
I have a specific budget for marketing

Question Title

When it comes to your marketing, how confident are you about the following? (1 Low, 5 High):

  1 2 3 4 5
I have a clear timeline for my marketing
I understand what marketing strategy to use
My marketing is strategy lead
My marketing mainly involves one approach or method
My marketing is monitored
My marketing is documented
I will achieve my marketing goals in the next 6-12 months

Question Title

How much have you...

Question Title

When you think about your marketing:

Question Title

What would you expect a marketing consultant to do for you?

Question Title

About you:

Question Title

If you would like to hear more from us, please indicate below and leave your preferred contact information. Thank you.

Question Title

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. If you have any further comments please let us know below. You can find more information on