Copy of Public Harassment Survey with Public (Men)

Public Harassment Survey (Public) (Men)

What are we looking for?
We are looking for contributions from men about their experiences of public harassment. We are trying to find out about whether their experiences are different from those of women and girls. We are also interested in finding out what men think about the potential use of criminal law including introduction of a Public Harassment offence and educational campaigns aimed at men and boys, to reduce public harassment of women and girls.  Finally, we wish to find out what men think needs to happen to make public spaces safer for everyone.

Why are we looking for contributions? 
We will be holding an an exhibition and event on Public Safety and Public Harassment at NTU in 2023.  We will also publish an NTU research report, and academic publications on what needs to be done to make public spaces safer.

What do you need to know? 
Your survey contribution will be kept anonymous and provided with a unique identifier and stored in an NTU password protected file on an NTU password protected university computer to which only the named university researchers have access. At the end of the survey, you can provide additional consent to take part in a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher. You will need to provide an email address if you wish to take place in the prize draw.  Email addresses will be kept secure and stored in separate NTU file on an NTU password protected university computer to which only the named researchers have access.  Your email address will only be used to contact you if you are successful in the prize draw.  Once the research is finished and published, the data will be stored for 10 years on an NTU password protected archive and then destroyed.

Please note, that whilst the above steps will be taken to protect confidentiality, direct quotes and testimonies may be used in publications and in the exhibit, so full confidentiality cannot be guaranteed as participants (despite being anonymised) may be identifiable from quotes and testimonies

Who can I contact if I have queries about the research? 
Professor Loretta Trickett 
James Walker
Nisan Alici
Extra support
If you feel upset after you have submitted your contribution, perhaps because of some of the issues the topic raises, then you can find
support from the following public organisation:
Samaritans have a free phone line that is available 24/7 so you are able to call at anytime if you feel down or just need to talk to someone.
Website: Contact Us | Samaritans
Helpline: 116 123 
1.I consent to participate.  I confirm that I am over the age of 18 years.
2.Which age bracket do you belong to?
3.Please specify your ethnic origin
4.Have you ever experienced harassment in a public space?
5.Please indicate what form of public harassment you have experienced and where
6.Where you harassed by another man or by a woman?
7.Do you think that women get harassed more in public spaces than men?
8.If you have answered yes to question 7, what are the differences in the types of harassment that women may experience, compared to men?
9.The Government is looking to introduce a criminal law to address Public Harassment, do you think this is likely to reduce it?
10.Please explain your answer to Q9, Yes or No, why you chose that answer
11.Are you aware of the campaign, 'Don't be that guy'?
Please see:
12.Have you ever witnessed other men engaging in public harassment of women or girls? 
13.In your opinion, what are the reasons for men engaging in such behaviours?
14.What do you think of campaigns such as 'Don't be that guy'?
15.In your opinion, do men have a role to play in reducing public harassment of women?
16.If you have answered Yes or No, to Question 15, please explain your answer
17.If you have answered yes to Question 15, please indicate how you think men might help to reduce public harassment of women and girls?
18.In your opinion, what should be done to improve public safety more generally, including public safety of men and boys?
19.Thank you for answering this survey, your contribution is important.
20.Please indicate, if you wish to take part in a prize draw, for the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.  You will need to provide additional consent to take part, and provide an email address to be contacted if you are successful.
21.If you have indicated under Q19, that you do wish to be entered into a prize draw, for the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher, please provide an email address.
22.Please note, email addresses will be securely destroyed after the prize draw has taken place.