Wester Ross Biosphere has received funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig to support and encourage Gaelic use and participation across our area. This survey has been designed to gather baseline data to inform Gaelic development activities and create a community-driven Biosphere Gaelic strategy. 

All responses will be anonymised for the purposes of any outputs, such as a Gaelic strategy and an evidence summary for use by other community groups. The data will be accessed by the Biosphere's Gaelic Development Officer and research team and anonymised outputs will be published online on www.wrb.scot 

If you have any questions about this survey please email events@wrb.scot. 

Question Title

* 1. Name 

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* 2. Age

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* 4. Can you speak Gaelic, or are you learning Gaelic?

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* 5. Can you read Gaelic?

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* 6. Can you understand Gaelic if someone speaks it to you?

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* 7. In which settings are you using Gaelic language?

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* 8. Please share any details here about how you use Gaelic in the above settings and why

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* 9. How important is it to you that Gaelic is spoken in Wester Ross Biosphere?

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* 10. What are your priorities for the future of Gaelic in Wester Ross?

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* 11. What Gaelic activities would you like to see available in your community?

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* 12. How would you prefer to engage with Gaelic in the Biosphere?

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* 13. Please use this space to add any final comments to help shape Gaelic development in the Wester Ross biosphere

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* 14. If you would be interested in helping us to deliver Gaelic content through the Biosphere, please include your preferred contact method here

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* 15. I consent to the use of this data by Wester Ross Biosphere

Thank you for completing this survey.

Find out more about the Wester Ross Biosphere, and become a member at www.wrb.scot

This work is funded by
 Bòrd na Gàidhlig