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Review of Multi-agency Safeguarding Arrangements (Strategic & Safeguarding Leads)
Questionnaire for Strategic Managers and Safeguarding Leads
New multi-agency safeguarding arrangements (MASA’s) were introduced across England between April and September 2020, and most have now been in operation for about 12 months. The MASA’s were introduced following recommendations from the Wood Review of LSCB’s completed in 2016.
The review concluded that LSCB’s were not effective as bodies to co-ordinate safeguarding activity and local services, and their role was at times confused and ill defined in local areas. The review recommended that LSCB’s be replaced by new local MASA’s and this was enabled through the Children and Social Work Act (2017).
The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP), our local MASA was introduced in September 2019 under the auspices of the three statutory partners of the Local Authority, Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group and Merseyside Police. The model was launched at a partnership event and is detailed in the model document published on the WSCP website.
The Review
The government has recently announced that Alan Wood has been appointed to review how the new MASA’s for local areas are addressing key issues outlined in the original Wood Review (2016) and the criteria for MASA’s set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 guidance.
To contribute to the national review of MASA’s the three statutory partners of the WSCP are undertaking a local review of our own arrangements informed by relevant agencies and professionals from across the partnership. The WSCP review aims to:
· identify the strengths in our local multi-agency working and what we need to improve on
· identify how we may need to change our local arrangements to ensure all agencies and professionals benefit from the safeguarding arrangements.
· support and contribute to the national review of safeguarding arrangements
The local review will take the form of a series of short questionnaires. By contributing to the review professionals in Wirral will enable us to identify what is working well and what needs to change in the local partnership to enable us to have a consistently strong multi-agency response to safeguarding for all children embedded in practice across the borough.
The Questionnaire
The questionnaire is anonymous and no personally identifiable information will be collected. However, we will collect information about the sector you work in. The questionnaire is divided into three parts: leadership and multi-agency working; opportunities for learning; improving local practice.