Question Title

* 1. Please choose from the following list who you represent

Question Title

* 2. On a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), please rate the following:

  1 - Strongly disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Neither disagree or agree 4 - Agree 5 - Strongly agree
The aim and objectives of the event were clear
The presentations and information was set at the right level
I received sufficient information about this event in adequate time
The speakers / presenters were clear and easy to understand
It was easy to book-in and access the various sessions
The length of the sessions were suitable
I was able to ask questions in the Q&A sessions
The speakers / presenters were well informed
Future events of this nature would be beneficial

Question Title

* 3. What did you find most useful / beneficial?

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* 4. What did you find least useful / helpful?

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* 5. How could this event be improved?

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* 6. What (other) topics / events would you like covered in the future?

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* 7. Had you heard or known of the Dorset Prepared website before this event?

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* 8. Would you be interested in attending future on-line events and training?

Question Title

* 9. If you would like to receive the Environment Agency Flood Warden and Community Emergency Volunteer Newsletter, please give your email address in the box below

Question Title

* 10. If you would like the Environment Agency to keep you updated from this event and invite you to future training events, please give your email address in the box below